The purpose of this study was to look for the prevalence also to identify the chance factors connected with infection in pregnant individuals surviving in the Ponta de Pedras municipality, Maraj Archipelago, Condition of Par, where an outbreak of toxoplasmosis occurred in 2013. group their guardians or parents authorized, relative to the Brazilian rules. 2.1. Research area The analysis was completed in the Ponta de Pedras municipality (012342S, 485218W), situated in AZD-5991 S-enantiomer the Maraj Archipelago, Condition of Par, Brazilian Amazon (Fig. 1). The municipality comes with an particular part of 3,365,148?kilometres2, and its own territory is split into regions of lowland and good ground. The weather can be popular and humid generally, with the average annual temperatures of 27?C and the average rainfall of 3000?mm each year. The approximated residential population can be 25,999 inhabitants, 49% surviving in an metropolitan area, in support of 20% of the populace has adequate sanitation and sewage conditions (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica, 2010; Lima et al., 2017). Open in a separate window Fig. 1 Map of the Ponta de Pedras municipality, State of Par, Brazil. 2.2. Study design and samples Considering the number of pregnant individuals seen at the Prenatal Care Program of the Ponta de Pedras municipality (300/year), CDKN1A seroprevalence of 65% (Ferreira et al., 2009), the adopting of a confidence level of 95%, margin of error of 5% and a nonadherence to the study of 10%, a minimum sample of 157 pregnant individuals was calculated by the program Epi Info version for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). From August 2014 to March 2017, a cross-sectional study was conducted, including 555 pregnant individuals seen at the Prenatal Care Program at any gestational period. Approximately 5?mL of venous blood was collected from each pregnant individual. Serum aliquots were obtained by centrifugation and stored at ?20?C until the serological assessments were performed. 2.3. Questionnaire The pregnant individuals clarified a structured epidemiological questionnaire covering categorical variables as the place of residence, the type of water consumed, the consumption of raw/undercooked meat, the consumption of fruits and vegetables, contact with soil (occupational activity with land handling, cultivating home garden, cleaning yard), contact with animals, age group, gestational age and prior knowledge on toxoplasmosis transmission (consumption of raw or undercooked meat, consumption of raw vegetables or contaminated water, contact with materials potentially contaminated with cat feces). 2.4. Serological analysis Serum samples were tested for anti-IgG and IgM antibodies by indirect and immunocapture immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA) (Symbiosis Diagnstica Ltda., Leme, Brazil), respectively, following the procedures and by calculating the cut-off point according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition to the positive and negative controls available in the kit, laboratory reference controls were included. 2.5. Statistical analysis To evaluate the prevalence and risk factors associated with seropositivity, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used. To identify the risk factors, a bivariate analysis (chi-square test) was initially used. The AZD-5991 S-enantiomer variables that had a p-value?0.2000 in the bivariate analysis were selected for AZD-5991 S-enantiomer analysis with a multivariate logistic regression model. The logistic regression was performed with the stepwise forward method and the factors that had showed association using the reliant adjustable (positive for anti-IgG antibodies) had been identified through the succession of guidelines. The data had been analyzed with two statistical applications, BioEstat program edition 5.3 and Epi Details edition 3.?Outcomes The age selection of the 555 studied pregnant people was 13 to 42?years, using a AZD-5991 S-enantiomer mean age group of 22.6??6.0?years. About the serological evaluation, 374 pregnant people had been AZD-5991 S-enantiomer contaminated chronically, 176 seronegative, and 5 shown a profile suggestive of the acute/recent infections (Desk 1). Desk 1 Serological profile for anti-IgG and IgM antibodies in 555 pregnant people seen on the Prenatal Treatment Program from the Ponta de Pedras municipality, Par, Brazil, from 2014 to March 2017 August. IgG seropositivity of pregnant people seen on the Prenatal Treatment Program from the municipality of Ponta de Pedras, Par, Brazil, from August 2014 to March 2017..