The gene is situated in a chromosomal region linked to various

The gene is situated in a chromosomal region linked to various neurological disorders including intellectual disability autism and schizophrenia. FRET and is key in changing the equilibrium of the two complexes. CYFIP1 therefore orchestrates the two molecular cascades protein translation and actin polymerization each of which is necessary for correct spine morphology in neurons. The CYFIP1 interactome reveals many interactors associated with mind disorders opening fresh perspectives to define regulatory pathways shared by neurological disabilities seen as a spine dysmorphogenesis. Launch Genetic alterations from the pathways managing local proteins synthesis in neurons donate to varied intellectual disabilities (ID) and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) (Ehninger and Silva 2009 These disorders are synaptopathies (Ehninger and Silva 2009 in which dysgenesis of dendritic spines is definitely a recurrent anatomical feature (Penzes et?al. 2011 Fragile X syndrome (FXS) Rabbit Polyclonal to PAK5/6. is the most common form of inherited ID and a frequent monogenic cause of ASD (Belmonte and Bourgeron 2006 Hatton et?al. 2006 Jacquemont et?al. 2007 Turk 2011 Individuals with FXS display dendritic spine problems (Irwin et?al. 2001 neurodevelopmental delay and autistic-like phenotype (Jacquemont et?al. 2007 FXS is due to loss of function of the RNA-binding protein FMRP (Bagni et?al. 2012 Bassell and Warren 2008 which regulates dendritic focusing on of mRNAs (Dictenberg SR-13668 et?al. 2008 and settings protein synthesis and mRNA decay in neuronal soma and at synapses (Bassell and Warren 2008 High-throughput screenings (Brown et?al. 2001 Darnell et?al. 2011 Klemmer et?al. 2011 Liao et?al. 2008 Miyashiro et?al. 2003 have revealed that a wide array of neuronal mRNAs is definitely targeted by FMRP suggesting that simultaneous dysregulation of many proteins contributes to FXS. A key practical partner of FMRP is the cytoplasmic FMRP-interacting protein 1 CYFIP1 (Napoli et?al. 2008 Schenck et?al. 2003 Schenck et?al. 2001 also known as “specific Rac1-triggered” (SRA1) protein (Kobayashi et?al. 1998 is located within a hot spot for ASD (chr15q11.2) close to a region critical for two ASD-related syndromes: the Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes. Microdeletions or microduplications of the region including and three additional genes cosegregate with cognitive disabilities and ASD (Cooper et?al. 2011 Doornbos et?al. 2009 Leblond et?al. 2012 Nishimura et?al. 2007 vehicle der Zwaag et?al. 2010 von der Lippe et?al. 2010 messenger RNA (mRNA) is definitely downregulated inside a subgroup of FXS individuals who have the Prader-Willi phenotype and display severe ASD and obsessive-compulsive behavior SR-13668 (Nowicki et?al. 2007 In addition has recently been linked to schizophrenia (SCZ) (Tam et?al. 2010 Zhao et?al. 2012 SR-13668 Together with FMRP CYFIP1 represses neuronal protein synthesis: FMRP tethers specific mRNAs to CYFIP1 which in turn sequesters the cap-binding protein eIF4E thereby avoiding initiation of translation (Napoli et?al. SR-13668 2008 Upon activation of the brain-derived neurotrophic element (BDNF)/NT-3 growth element receptor (TrkB) or group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) CYFIP1 is definitely released from eIF4E and translation ensues (Napoli et?al. 2008 Furthermore CYFIP1 is normally area of the Influx Regulatory Organic (WRC) a heteropentamer filled with also WAVE1/2/3 ABI1/2 NCKAP1 and HPSC300 (Takenawa and Suetsugu 2007 The WRC regulates the actin-nucleating activity of the Arp2/3 complicated and it could be turned on through the tiny GTPase Rac1 kinases and phospholipids (Chen et?al. 2010 Eden et?al. 2002 Lebensohn and Kirschner 2009 Specifically the Rac1 signaling can activate the WRC through CYFIP1 (Chen et?al. 2010 Eden et?al. 2002 Kobayashi et?al. 1998 Schenck et?al. 2003 Steffen et?al. 2004 Rearrangements from the actin cytoskeleton highly influence the development retraction motility balance and form of the dendritic spines (Tada and Sheng 2006 and hereditary ablation of WRC elements affects backbone morphology and excitability (Grove et?al. 2004 Kim et?al. 2006 Soderling et?al. 2007 Wiens et?al. 2005 Nevertheless the interplay of the process with various other events regulating backbone function.